American Bullies Unite! Your Next Target is John Rosi.

This Bullshit story of bullying involves a classroom full of kids–and a TEACHER–ganging up on a 13-year-old

“The incident occurred in February at a Gig Harbor middle school, but cell phone video of the attacks surfaced just this week. Footage shows more than a dozen students dragging the then-eighth-grade boy around the classroom, carrying him by his arms and legs, burying him under chairs, writing on his feet and stuffing his socks in his mouth. The antics last about 15 minutes while teacher John Rosi watches, and later joins in.”

Later the teacher (Rosi) joins in, taunting the teen while other teens hold him down.  You know what happened to Rosi?


He was merely suspended for 10 days and given a new classroom assignment at a new middle school.

The best part is the quotes from acting super intendent Chuck Cuzzetto:

He (Cuzzetto) said he was horrified by what he saw in the video, but contends that while Rosi displayed “inappropriate classroom management,” it was an isolated incident in an 18-year career, and the district acted appropriately in disciplining Rosi.  “We took what we think is pretty significant disciplinary action against the teacher.


There’s the kid, under the chairs while what looks like the ENTIRE CLASS picks on him.

Pretty significant disciplinary action? The guy got a two week vacation and a change of scenery.  Keep in mind that while this piece of shit John Rosi gets to keep his job, Richard Eggers lost his due to a crime he committed in the 1963.  Now that, is pretty significant disciplinary action.

You can watch the video of John Rosi being a fucking asshole here.  I hope all the kids in his new class gang up and bully this shit out of him…it’s no less than he deserves.

Needless to say, a grown man bullying a 13-year-old is Bullshit.

2 thoughts on “American Bullies Unite! Your Next Target is John Rosi.

  1. If I ever for some reason see something like this happen in my life, I will beat the living shit out of the teacher involved. This is unacceptable, what is wrong with people!? While I’m at it, I’d probably deliver a series of Hulk Hogan boots to the face.

    • It’s no less than this guy deserves. The football coach at the school should put him in a Circle of Death, surrounded by all the assistant coaches. See how that fat asshole likes rally getting bullied

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