The Obama Phone

This video was taken on a Romney rally in Cleveland, Ohio on September 26, 2012.

Check out the video to hear the protester explain how Obama gives all minorities free phones and that is why they should vote for him.

I was personally leaning towards voting for Obama, but videos like this make me reconsider my vote while feeling a whole range of emotions…

…like anger: Especially anger.

Protester: “Yes. Everybody in Cleveland and all minority got Obama Phone. Keep Obama in President you know.  He gave us a phone. He’s gon’ do more.”

Interviewer: “How’d he give you a phone?”

Protester: “…If you on food stamps, you on social security, you got low income, you disability…”

Interviewer: “Ok what’s wrong with Romney again?”

Protester: “Romney? He sucks. Bad!”

People wonder where negative stereotypes come from?  They come from people like this.  This is a minority woman who took the time to go protest a Romney rally because she feels like Romney won’t give her as much free shit if he becomes President.

This video is a microcosm of the problems America faces here at home.  America used to be a blue-collar, hardworking country where people earned the things they have.  Now?

Now we have this kind of Bullshit, where people expect the government to take care of them so they don’t have to work.

One thought on “The Obama Phone

  1. This, this right here is a 47 percenter. Again, 47% may be high but when Romney was quoted about not going after those people (or catering his speeches or however you want to state it), this is the kind of person he is talking about. This whole phone thing is absolutely ridicualous and has balooned out of control. If they need an emergency phone then give them exactly that, you can dial 911 other than that tough shit. Certainly don’t need cell phones.

    I don’t know what Obama has planned, but his past and current record scare me to death. Not that I think Romney is the answer….but you know what? I have a better idea what this country will look like in 4 years with him than I do Obama. I just don’t know what it would like with Obama, may be great, maybe same position, may be worse. I fear it would be the same or worse.

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